Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Bread Rather Than Stones


On this feast of the Nativity of Mary, I note that Rorate Caeli (here) associated itself with a French lay Catholic initiative by publishing in English an open letter to the Holy Father requesting that he take back Traditionis custodes and restore peace to them and their families in the enjoyment to live the tradition and celebrate the Mass of the Ages in all freedom. 

Coincidentally, yesterday I shared with a rather rabid, neo-con contemporary the account of a glorious Solemn High Mass for the Assumption celebrated in England. I almost got a blush out of him by underlining the satisfaction of the organizers of the event at which nearly 500 people participated. Despite this gentleman's own difficulties with the tradition, even he could understand that the motu proprio and the way some bishops are choosing to implement it with a scorched earth policy is nothing short of overkill. Where is the solicitude for the least of the brethren, for God's little ones?

We entrust ourselves to the Mother of God on this her birthday and insistently importune her as her children to grant us a birthday wish and intercede for us before the Throne on this her day!


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